Friday, July 27, 2012

1. China - this country is primarily on my brain right now because I am currently working with Chinese foreign exchange students. The students and teachers are so interested in our life, and now I'm curious about their homeland.

2. Hawaii - of course I want to go here. It seems like everyone is going here and I'm so jealous!! The warm, clear waters, the Polynesian dancing, the food - all of it intices me.

3. The South - no particular states in mind, I'm just curious about "the south," it just seems so green and  down home, and full of good food

4. New York City!! It seems so exciting and thrilling!

5.  Florida - I have read some books where Florida is the setting, and I'm curious about the topography

6. South America sounds awesome (again, I've read about it), but the possibility of horrid mosquito diseases terrifies me, so if I do go, I will probably look into some serious vaccinations.

7. England and Ireland - some of my favorite authors are from one of these countries, and many books are set in both places.

8. Africa - If given the opportunity I would love to see these parts, it's supposed to be out of this world.

9. Alaska or Northern Canada - I only list this for the Northern LIghts. They sound absolutley fascinating. But the whole cold thing doesn't lure me a bit.

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